Matric rewrite at unisa

Matric rewrite at unisa

Unisa does not offer Matric or Matric Rewrite, what the school does is to allow students or applicants take up Bridging courses to supplement their Matric Results in order to be eligible for a certain Programme or course.

Can i do matric through unisa


A bridging course is a university-preparation course with an academic curriculum that is offered to mature students as a means of preparing for the intellectual challenges of a university education, successful completion of which is recognized as a basis of admission to the University.

Role of Bridging Courses in the Admissions Process

For mature students with no previous post-secondary school record, completion of an approved bridging course with a grade of B or better shall be recognized as one of the bases of admission for mature students applying to undergraduate Faculties provided that other general requirements for mature student admission to the relevant Faculty have been met.

For students who have previously attended post-secondary institutions, successful completion of a bridging course is but one factor that may be considered when the entire academic record is reviewed at the time of application.

Matric rewrite at unisa

Approval of Bridging Courses

In order for the successful completion of a university-preparation course to be considered a basis of admission  the course must be approved as a bridging course through the normal route for course approval in the department, Faculty, or non-Faculty based institute offering the course. Approval should be granted only to a university-preparation course that meets the requirements set out in the regulations that follow. Academic Standards, Curriculum and Pedagogy should be informed of any decisions regarding the granting of approval of any university-preparation course. In this way, ASCP will be able to monitor decisions to ensure the consistent application of Senate policy.

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