Where is matric results

Where is matric results

Department of Basic Education

One of the first ways to obtain your results is to log onto the Department of Basic Education’s website below. If you attended a public/government school, then your results will definitely be available on this site.

You will need the following to log in:

  • Exam number (don’t misplace this during the holiday!)
  • Home Language
  • Your personal details (name, surname, etc.)

The Newspaper

Your results will be published in the Newspaper on the day of the results release. It will be in all of the big Newspaper brands, like The Rapport, The Argus and The StarNews24 will also have it available online.

Remember it will not be your full results. It will just state whether or not you passed and with what symbol you passed – B for Bachelors Pass, D for Diploma, etc.

Your High School

Two days after the initial results are released, your school will give you your results. This is not the official matric certificate, it is just your results for each subject. You will be able to fetch your official matric certificate in a few months – once it has been printed in full. If you are eager about exact dates you should contact your school to find out further information.

Where is matric results

Your Cellphone

Make a Call

You could also opt for the old-school method by giving the department a call on the day that the results are released. Just take note that a lot of matric students will be phoning to find out their results so you might wait for quite a while to get your results.

Dial 082 152 for your results.