UNISA Admission Requirements 2025/2026

UNISA Admission Requirements 2025/2026

UNISA Admission Requirements 2025 – Unisa admission requirements for prospective students 2025/2026 academic year is outline below;

Requirements / APS

General Admission Requirements

  • The admission requirements at UNISA dependent on the type of qualification you want to apply to.
  • If you don’t meet the criteria for a certain qualification, you may still qualify for alternative qualifications or extended programmes.
  • Students who completed Grade 12 at the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) School of Tomorrow may no longer be accepted at UNISA (current students may however complete their studies).

Admission Requirements for Specific Qualifications

  • University of South Africa Important Dates

  • How to Apply to University of South Africa

  • University of South Africa Admission Requirements

  • University of South Africa Residences/Accommodation

  • University of South Africa Other Important Information

  • International students

    What’s new for ?

    • You may apply for a maximum of two qualifications, ranked in order of preference (although you may only register for one should both of your qualifications be successful).
    • Unisa will inform you of the outcome of your application and, if successful, the qualification for which you can register for the academic year.
    • If your application for admission is successful, you must register for the academic year. Should you not register for the academic year, you will be required to re-apply in for the 2025 academic year.

    Who must apply for admission?

    • Everyone wanting to start a new qualification must apply for admission. This includes first-time Unisa applicants and Unisa students changing to a new qualification.
    • You must re-apply for admission if you previously applied for admission and received feedback, but did not register for any reason.

    Application dates: visit www.unisa.ac.za/apply.

    How do I apply for admission?

    All prospective students who want to study through Unisa must apply for admission. Visit www.unisa.ac.za/apply for more information.

    I completed my schooling or undergraduate studies outside South Africa. Do I qualify?

    For a list of acceptable school qualifications for admission per country, visit http://mb.usaf.ac.za/.

    How do I pay the application fee?

    The non-refundable online application fee is R105,00. You can pay the fee via SWIFT payment:
    The preferred method of payment is credit card via the Unisa website. Unisa web payment link: http://www.unisa.ac.za/feepayment (this is a secure site). Alternatively, you can make payment by means of a SWIFT/EFT transfer (see bank account details below). Please note that any payments other than those made via the Unisa website might take a few days to reflect on the Unisa account. Please send proof of payment to Finan@unisa.ac.za
    SWIFT/EFT transfers can be made

    • if you already have a student number
    • in respect of fees, for example: study fees, examination fees (supplementary, sick or special exam fees), exemption fees and library charges
    • provided that the details are filled in as follows:
      • Bank: Standard Bank
      • Beneficiary: Unisa student deposits
      • Branch code: 010645
      • Swift code: SBZAZAJJ
      • Account number: 011554622
      • Deposit reference: first eight (8) blocks are for the student number (if the student number consists of only 7 digits, then a “0” must be filled in as the first digit of the student number). Leave one block open, then fill in the following codes:
        • 5370810030 for the application fee
        • 5352X74608 for matriculation exemption fees
        • 5400374721 for study fees
        • 5400374225 for library fees

    Funding for foreign students

    The government is currently investigating the subsidy for foreign students, which means that prescribed student fees for foreign students could increase substantially in the future. Unisa reserves the right to charge fees in certain countries in the currency of that country. The levy for students in foreign countries must be paid in addition to the minimum initial payment at the time of registration. A student must be in possession of a student number before registration can be processed, or fees paid or deposited into the Standard Bank South African account.

    What documents do I need to submit when applying for admission to Unisa?

    Undergraduate applications:

    • Copy of your school qualifications. For a list of acceptable school qualifications for admission per country, visit hhttp://mb.usaf.ac.za/
    • Copy of your tertiary academic qualifications (if applicable)
    • Copy of your passport
    • Copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable) or divorce decree (if applicable)
    • Original sworn translations of documents if they are not in English or Afrikaans
    • M30 form – Application for a Certificate of Conditional Exemption (ONLY for admission to Bachelor’s Degree studies – not for BTech degree studies) (PDF 33KB) and supporting documents if you are applying for a certificate of exemption

    * Please note that some qualifications may require additional documents. Unisa reserves the right to request original documents and/or to verify the correctness of submitted documents at any time.
    Please note the following rules for uploading supporting documents:

    • Files cannot be larger than 2MB (2048KB) each.
    • Only black and white documents may be submitted.
    • Only the following file types are allowed: pdf (Adobe Acrobat Portable Document format file), doc (Word document file) or tif (image file).
    • Unisa does not provide scanners or electronic devices. Please ensure that your documents are in an electronic format before starting the application process.

    How can I contact Unisa?

    Please remember to use only your student number in the subject line with all correspondence. For enquiries related to undergraduate & honours degrees, undergraduate higher certificates & diplomas, postgraduate certificates & diplomas, send an e-mail to international@unisa.ac.za.

    Accreditation of Unisa as an institution

    Unisa operates in accordance with the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997, as amended.  It is recognised by the South African Department of Education (DoE), accredited by the South African Council on Higher Education (CHE) and all its qualifications are registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
    Since Unisa operates in accordance with the Higher Education Act, 1997, it does not have a registration number at the Department of Education.

    International accreditation of Unisa’s qualifications

    One way for the accreditation of Unisa’s qualifications in foreign countries with an established Qualifications Authority, is for the two qualification authorities involved to negotiate the mutual recognition and accreditation of each other’s qualifications.
    In other cases the publication of an institutions name in specific authoritative publications, forms the basis of accreditation. Unisa is inter alia listed in the International Handbook of Universities published by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and officially verified by the International Association of Universities.
    Students must, however, enquire from the specific foreign country/university whether Unisa’s qualifications are accredited/recognised.

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