UCT Law Short Courses Registration

UCT Law Short Courses Registration

How to register for UCT Law Short Courses

Download the registration form and complete it carefully. Make sure that you sign it.
If your company or employer will be paying on your behalf, be sure to complete the “Invoice” section on page two with the correct information as it should appear on the invoice.
Send your completed form to Paula (paula.allen@uct.ac.za) or Andrea (andrea.blaauw@uct.ac.za), or fax it to 021 650 5513.
On submission of the form you will receive confirmation of acceptance onto the course. If there are no more available places on the course you will receive notice of this, and your name will go onto a waiting list. You will also receive further information concerning payment procedures.
Further information about the venue and directions, reading material and exams/assignments will be sent to you about a week before the course.

How to pay

The course fee is clearly stated on the course brochure. Cash payments are not accepted.
Please note: Bank account details are different for individuals and for company payments.

A. If you are paying for yourself as an individual:

On registration, you will be sent a unique UCT student number, which you must use as your payment reference. Please do not make payment until you have received your student number!
Bank: Standard Bank
Account name: UCT Law@work
Branch: Rondebosch
Branch code: 025009
Account number: 270 653 007
Reference: [Your UCT student number]
Proof of payment must be faxed to 021 650 5513, or e-mailed to the course administrator.

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B. If your company or employer is paying for you:

Please ensure that you complete the “Invoice” section of the registration form carefully with the correct information as it should appear on the invoice. Please note that tax invoices are only issued to companies. If your company needs a purchase order number to appear on the invoice, please inform the course administrator of this on registration.
It takes about two weeks for a tax invoice to be processed. It will then be emailed directly to the “Contact person” indicated on your registration form (please ensure that you give us the correct details!). The invoice will include a customer number, which must be used as the payment reference. Please do not make payment until you have received your invoice!
If payment is unlikely to reach us before the start of the course, we require a letter from your company stating their intention to pay the fee on receipt of an invoice.
Bank: Standard Bank
Account name: University of Cape Town
Branch: Rondebosch
Branch code: 025009
Account number: 071 503 854
Reference: [Your customer number, included on your invoice]
Proof of payment must be faxed to 021 650 5513, or e-mailed to the course administrator.

Proof of registration

UCT invoices can take up to two weeks to process. Should you need proof of registration urgently for any reason, we will be happy to supply you with a letter confirming your registration and giving the course details. To expedite this process, please send the course administrator an email explaining what the letter is for (e.g. visa procurement) and supplying whatever of your details that need to appear on the letter (e.g. passport number).

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Refunds and Cancellations

Once your registration form has been received and confirmed, your name will be added to the class list. Submitting a registration form is considered a commitment to attend the course, and costs will therefore be incurred on your behalf in expectation of your attendance.
If you are no longer able to attend a course, your cancellation must be submitted to us in writing and must be received one week before the start of the course, or the full course fee will be charged.
If you unable to attend due to medical reasons, please send us a medical certificate so that we can refund you.

Financial assistance

Eduloan is a registered financial services provider specialising in student loans.
Please contact Eduloan directly for more information and application details.


When attending one of our courses, you are responsible for booking and settling your own accommodation. However, we have compiled a list of possible accommodation options close to our campus, which you can download here (this list is not exhaustive).
Please note that All Africa House is on campus, and it is right next to the Kramer Law Faculty building where the majority of our courses take place (please confirm with the course administrator if your course is indeed taking place in the Kramer building). You can contact All Africa House directly through their website.